Why Contract of Employment Is Important

When it comes to starting a new job, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of your employment. This is where a contract of employment comes in. A contract of employment is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee that outlines the rights, responsibilities and obligations of both parties.

Why is a contract of employment important? Let’s take a closer look.

Clarity and understanding

A contract of employment specifies the terms of your employment, such as your job title, tasks and responsibilities, work hours, rate of pay, and benefits. This provides clarity and understanding of your role within the organization and ensures that you and your employer are on the same page. Clear communication from the outset can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line.


A contract of employment can also protect you, as the employee, from unfair treatment. It sets out your employment rights and responsibilities, such as notice periods, sick leave entitlements, and termination procedures. If your employer breaches any of the terms of your contract, you have legal recourse to address the issue.

Protection also goes the other way too. Employers can protect themselves from liabilities by specifying in the employment agreement what the employee is entitled to receive, such as paid vacation and sick days.


While a contract of employment protects both parties, it can also be flexible. The terms of employment can be negotiated, and you can ask your employer to amend your contract if your job responsibilities change or if you want to renegotiate your salary.


Some contracts of employment may also include a confidentiality clause. This means that employees must not discuss company information with anyone outside of the organization. A confidentiality clause is beneficial for employers who want to protect their trade secrets and confidential information.


In summary, a contract of employment is vital for both employers and employees. It provides clarity and understanding of job roles, sets out employment rights and responsibilities, protects both parties, provides flexibility, and can include a confidentiality clause to protect sensitive information. Having a contract of employment can help prevent disputes and misunderstandings, which ultimately benefits everyone involved.