Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows

Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows: A Beginner`s Guide

The phrase „Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows“ is a legal jargon used in contracts and legal documents. It is often found at the beginning of the document and serves as an introduction to the agreement. As a professional, I understand the importance of clarity and simplicity in writing. In this article, I will break down the meaning of this phrase and offer tips on how to make legal documents more accessible to a wider audience.

What Does „Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows“ Mean?

The phrase „Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows“ is a traditional legal formulation used in contract law. It signals the parties` intent to enter into a legally binding agreement. It is similar to the phrase „Witnesseth“ or „Whereas,“ often used in older legal documents.

The word „now“ signifies the agreement is being entered into at this moment. „Therefore“ signals the conclusion of all negotiations and deliberations. „This agreement“ refers to the document that follows. „Witnesses“ means that the parties involved are acknowledging, accepting and agreeing to the terms of the agreement. „as follows“ signals that the body of the document contains the terms of the agreement.

Tips for Writing Clear Legal Documents

Legal documents can be dense and complicated, making them difficult to understand for those who are not lawyers. Here are some tips for writing clear legal documents:

1. Use simple language: Avoid legal jargon and use simple words and phrases that are easy to understand. Use the active voice instead of the passive voice. Instead of saying „This agreement is entered into by and between,“ consider „We agree to…“

2. Break it down into sections: Use headings and bullet points to break the document into manageable sections. This will make it easier for the reader to navigate the document and find the information they need.

3. Be clear and concise: Use short sentences and avoid using unnecessary words. Use specific terms and avoid ambiguity. Use examples to explain complex concepts.

4. Use formatting to your advantage: Use bold, italics, and underlining to highlight important terms and points. Use numbered lists to break down complex ideas.

5. Keep it organized: Put the most important information at the beginning of the document and follow a logical progression. Use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas.

In conclusion, „Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses as Follows“ is a traditional legal formulation used in contract law. As a professional, I know that clarity and simplicity are essential when writing legal documents. By using simple language, breaking down the document into sections, and being clear and concise, legal documents can be made more accessible to a wider audience. With these tips, legal documents can be written in a way that is understandable to everyone.