Subject Verb Agreement Practice 3Rd Grade

As a copy editor with experience in search engine optimization (SEO), I understand the importance of using keywords and phrases to ensure that articles are easily discoverable by search engines. With that in mind, let`s discuss the topic of subject-verb agreement practice for 3rd graders.

Subject-verb agreement is an important concept in English grammar that children are introduced to at an early age. It refers to the relationship between the subject (the person, place, or thing that is doing the action) and the verb (the action word). The basic rule of subject-verb agreement is that the verb must agree with the subject in number and person.

For example, if the subject is singular, then the verb must also be singular. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. Here`s an example:

– Singular subject: Maria runs to the store.

– Plural subject: Maria and her friends run to the store.

In the first sentence, the subject „Maria“ is singular, so the verb „runs“ is also singular. In the second sentence, the subject is plural („Maria and her friends“), so the verb „run“ is also plural.

Now, let`s talk about some subject-verb agreement practice exercises that 3rd graders can do to reinforce this concept:

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

– The dog (barks/bark) at the mailman.

– My sister and I (eat/eats) breakfast together.

– The birds (fly/flies) south for the winter.

– The boy (plays/play) soccer every Saturday.

2. Rewrite the sentences with the correct subject-verb agreement:

– The cat sleep on the couch. (The cat sleeps on the couch.)

– The boys play with their toys. (The boys play with their toys.)

– My mom and dad watch TV after dinner. (My mom and dad watch TV after dinner.)

3. Circle the correct verb form in the sentence:

– The girl (run/runs) fast.

– The dog (bark/barks) loudly.

– The birds (fly/flies) high in the sky.

By practicing subject-verb agreement, 3rd graders can develop a strong foundation in English grammar that will serve them well in their future studies. As a copy editor, I recognize the importance of clear and concise writing, and subject-verb agreement is an essential component of achieving that goal.